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Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S666-S667, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179225


Introducao: Todos os servicos de saude foram impactados durante a pandemia de COVID-19, os servicos de hemoterapia, que dependem de doadores voluntarios, sofreram com a necessidade de isolamento da populacao e pelo medo do contagio ao vir doar, tambem por doadores infectados e maior numero de transfusoes em pacientes com complicacoes da COVID-19. As outras patologias com necessidade de transfusao ainda existiam e os bancos de sangue tiveram que se reorganizar para buscar ativamente os doadores e atender as medidas necessarias para evitar o contagio, como nao causar aglomeracoes, distanciamento entre as cadeiras do doador e uso de mascara e alcool gel. Objetivos: Avaliar o perfil do doador de sangue do servico de hemoterapia do Hospital Marcio Cunha durante o periodo critico da pandemia de COVID-19. Materiais e Metodos: estudo descritivo, retrospectivo e quantitativo, realizado no servico de hemoterapia atraves de avaliacao do relatorio de producao Hemoterapica - Hemoprod, dos meses de maio 2020 a julho 2021, periodo com elevado numero de obitos por COVID-19 no Brasil. Resultados e Discussao: Nos meses de maio/20 a julho/21 foram entrevistados 12.154 candidatos, sendo 9.449 aptos para doacao de sangue total, media de 629 doadores/mes. A maior parte das doacoes foi espontanea (55,6%), seguida de reposicao e apenas uma doacao autologa no periodo. Em relacao ao tipo de doador;69,7% doaram pela primeira vez;29,5% de forma esporadica e apenas 0,7% de repeticao. A maioria dos doadores foi do genero masculino (58,2%) com idade acima de 29 anos (67,7%). A principal causa da inaptidao na triagem foi descrito como outras (20%), sendo mais comum o uso de medicamentos que impedem a doacao e procedimentos endoscopicos nos ultimos seis meses;3,65% apresentavam hematocrito abaixo do necessario;2,8% hipotensao e 1,04% comportamento de risco para doenca sexualmente transmissivel. No que se refere a triagem sorologica, 221 doadores apresentaram sorologia positiva (2,3%) sendo 47% anti-HBc total reagente, 45.8% sifilis;2,7% anti-HCV;1,8% HBsAg e HTLV e 0,9% HIV. Quanto ao perfil imunohematologico 41,8% foram do grupo O positivo e 28,7% A positivo, sendo os mais frequentes e 9,9% foram O negativo. No periodo foram produzidos 9.323 concentrados de hemacias e transfundidos 6.826 e produzidos 8.948 concentrados de plaquetas e transfundidos 3.983. Conclusao: Nao ha substituto para sangue humano, por isso os servicos de hemoterapia dependem dos doadores voluntarios para manter o estoque de hemocomponentes. No periodo da pandemia houve menor numero de doacoes e maior necessidade de transfusoes em decorrencias das complicacoes da COVID-19. O banco de sangue do Hospital Marcio Cunha atendeu as medidas sanitarias para evitar o contagio e utilizou de estrategias de captacao de doares para tentar diminuir o impacto para o setor assistencial, no periodo analisado o numero de doacoes foi suficiente para atender a demanda transfusional, fato tambem relacionado a reducao de cirurgias eletivas. Copyright © 2022

Occupational and Environmental Medicine ; 78(SUPPL 1):A125, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1571290


Introduction Healthcare workers (HCW) have been reported to be at high risk for several mental health problems due to occupational stress. The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 raised new concerns about the mental health of HCW workers, which may be affected by new demands and the organization of work. Studies comparing pre-and post-pandemic work environments in health settings are necessary to evaluate the effect of the pandemic on HCWs mental health. Objectives We aimed to investigate the association between occupation stress and depressive symptoms among HCW in a city in northeastern Brazil at the end of 2019, before the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods This is a cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 355 HCW from a city in northeastern Brazil. Occupational stress, based on the demand-control model, was measured by the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), and depressive symptoms were evaluated by the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Poisson regressions were used to estimate prevalence ratios (PR) and to analyse associations of interest. Results The prevalence of depressive symptoms (PHQ-9 > 9) was 22.4%. Occupational stress was strongly associated with the outcome. In the crude analyses, the prevalence of depression symptoms among workers eposed to high job strain was 3.54 (95% CI: 1.60-6.90) times that of those with low strain. After adjustment for sex, age and income, the prevalence ratio remained highly significant (PR=3.34;95%CI: 1.80-6.18). Conclusions Occupational stress was a strong risk factor for depressive symptoms in a pre-pandemic scenario. The prevalence of depressive symptoms is expected to increase during the pandemic. Assessing occupational stress and depression during follow-up over the next few years may elucidate the impact of the pandemic on work processes and on HCWs mental health.

ACM Int. Conf. Proc. Ser. ; : 5-12, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | Scopus | ID: covidwho-991926


Deaf people are a considerable part of the world population and communicate naturally using sign languages. However, although many countries adopt their sign language as an official language, there are linguistics barriers to accessing fundamental rights, especially access to health services, even more critical situation in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. This situation has been the focus of some government policies that oblige essential service providers to provide sign language interpreters to assist Deaf people. However, this type of solution has high operating costs, mainly to serve the entire Deaf community in all environments. These setbacks motivate the investigation of methodologies and automated tools to support this type of problem. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing two-stream model for the recognition of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in the health context. The proposed solution does not use any additional capture sensor or hardware, being entirely base on images or sequences of images (videos). The results show that the solution is able to recognize the Libras signs in the test dataset reasonably well, achieved an average accuracy of approximately 96,12% considering a scenario where the interpreter used in the test set was not used in the training set, which shows that there are good evidence that it can assist in the communication process with Deaf people. Besides, an additional contribution of this paper is the introduction of a new dataset in the Brazilian sign language (Libras) containing 5000 videos of 50 signs in the health context, which may assist the development and research of other solutions. © 2020 ACM.

Coronavirus Infections Epidemiology Incidence Mortality ; 2021(Revista Baiana de Enfermagem)
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1328355


Objective: To analyze the spatial-temporal distribution of COVID-19 in the state of Piauí. Method: Ecological, retrospective study, with data available from the COVID-19 Epidemiological Panel - Piauí. A time series of cases and deaths accumulated monthly was constructed and incidence, mortality and lethality rates were calculated and choropleth maps were constructed using Quantum GIS, version 2.18.6. Results: In March 2020, three cases were recorded, without death, reaching September 2020 with 90,370 cases and 2,037 deaths, with a slight reduction in the growth of rates from August. Teresina presented the second lowest incidence coefficient of the state, the second highest mortality coefficient and the highest lethality. Conclusion: There was a wide growth of the pandemic in the state, especially until August 2020, with lethality within the expected, and the spatial distribution of cases and deaths concentrated in the capital and surroundings, evidencing the need for strong preventive measures. © 2021 Universidade Federal da Bahia. All rights reserved.

Brazil *covid-19 Homosexuality, Male Humans Male SARS-CoV-2 *Sexual and Gender Minorities Social Isolation ; 2021(Cadernos de Saude Publica)
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1238804
coronavirus disease 2019 |harm reduction |health care access |health service |high risk population |human |incidence |letter |men who have sex with men |outcome assessment |pandemic |safe sex |self concept |Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 |sexual health |sexual practice |sexuality |sexually transmitted disease |social distancing |stay-at-home order ; 2021(Cadernos de Saude Publica)
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1862315
Medication adherence |COVID-19 |Coronavirus infections |Vaccines |Adult |Public health |Nursing ; 2021(Acta Paulista De Enfermagem)
Article in ISI Document delivery No.: YR1KB Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference Count: 29 Evangelista de Araujo Telma Maria calixto de carvalho Ayla Maria fronteira Ines de Sena Silva Andreia Alves Rodrigues Karoline Alencar Queiroz Gessica Soares de Abrantes carcara Lorena Rozha Araujo Telma Maria Evangelista de/F-5179-2018 | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1687914


Objective: To analyze COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among people diagnosed with flu-like illness. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a random sample consisting of 454 participants. Data were collected from March to August 2020, in two stages: in the first, data available in the information systems were collected, using an instrument adapted from the investigation form of flu-like illness suspected by COVID-19, and in the second stage, primary data was collected from the participant through a telephone call. For the bivariate analysis, Pearson's chi-square test was performed (chi(2)).To explain the joint effect of predictor variables on the dependent variable, Multiple Logistics Regression (MRL) with adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) was used. Results: Participants most willing to receive a COVID-19 vaccine are those who learned about it on social media (aOR = 4.56, 95% CI: 1.77-11.72) and on newspapers and TV (aOR =2.74. 95%CI= 1.07-7.04). Conclusion: Having information about the vaccine, whether through social networks or newspapers and TV, increased the predisposition to take it. Thus, it is necessary to intensify effective information about the benefits of vaccines that will be approved by the Brazilian National Health Regulatory Agency (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria - ANVISA).